It’s never too late

Author: Dr. David Cooper is a psychologist at the National Center for Telehealth & Technology.

Sometimes it can seem like life is overwhelming. You feel like you’re all alone and there’s no way you can turn things around. You know that others are counting on you, but sometimes you feel like it’s just too late for you to do anything about it.

George Foreman, the professional boxer, found himself in a similar situation. After retiring from boxing, he wanted to devote time to his family and charitable works, so he started a youth center to help needy children in his town. Soon, however, Foreman realized that the center needed more money if it was going to truly help as many children that were in need.

He had made a commitment to these children and wanted to keep his word, but being retired, he simply didn’t have the money the center needed. So Foreman did the only thing he could think of; he came out of retirement.

At almost 40, people told Foreman he was too old, that he couldn’t do it. But those nay-saying voices only made Foreman more determined to prove that he could show that his age was not going to limit him.

On November 5, 1994, Foreman, then 49-years old, fought a man almost 20 years his junior and won the heavyweight championship – winning back the title he had lost to Muhammad Ali almost 20 years earlier.

This kind of story is why we feature videos on from service members that show that you’re not alone – that others have been where you are and have found a way.

Always remember, it’s never too late for a comeback.